Our wrapped Banned Book titles were a great success due to each of you who “took a chance” on what you would get! Each title had only the reason(s) it was banned on the cover to identify it, yet they disappeared off the display each day. Some of you also wrote in our Banned Journal and we had some interesting comments.
“Just can’t imagine why ‘Little House on the Prairie’ would be banned.”
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland “A cherished children’s fairy tale or a story banned in this country? BOTH! See? You’re a bigger rebel than you knew already. Keep reading dangerous ideas!”
All Quiet on the Western Front was banned in Germany because it was “anti” war- not convenient for the rising Third Reich!
Animal Farm “Making political fables endangered only adds to the interest.”
“I’m teaching Farenheit 451 to my 8th graders at OMMS. ALL books are banned (and burned) in that world.”
“A book shouldn’t be banned just because it offends someone.”
A few of the Banned Books you read were mentioned more than once, which is noted with the number next to them.
The Outsiders
White Girl Bleed a Lot (2)
The Bible (3)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Farenheit 451 (2)
A Prayer for Owen Meany
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Exorcist *** (Ironically it was posted with this note: “Plz never let anyone read this!’)
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
To Kill a Mockingbird
Losing Ground
The Bell Curve
The Gulag Archipelago
Annie on My Mind
The Lovely Bones
The Phantom Tollbooth
Of Mice and Men