Have you ever wondered why some websites show up higher on your web searches than others? Those sites have worked really hard on their SEO to reach the top of the list. What is SEO you might ask? Search Engine Optimization is what that is. SEO is all about making sure that people can find your website with keywords when they use a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. One of the best ways to be discovered and improve your SEO is to have great content. Yep content. This is the guts of your website – the words on the page and the actual message you are providing visitors. Content is key. This content could be in the form of blogs or bulleted lists. Search engines like those too. Another way to help your SEO is to have headings for each of your sections that use the heading (1,2,3 etc.) fonts.
“It’s also good to use pull quotes and backlink to articles to improve your SEO”
Cecily Whiteside, Brand Messaging and Content Creator
A pull quote is exactly what it sounds like as you can see above. Backlinking is when, for instance, I quote Cecily and she then shares a link to this blog on her site. You are literally linking back to the original content. Search engines recognize this and realize they should be paying attention more to what is going on with that content. For people who read your content and may only be skimming for the juiciest morsels it can help to bold words and also use italics. That way you can highlight the important stuff. Just remember content is key and that while you want to provide quality information you should also be engaging your audience and telling a story at the same time. If you want to learn more about SEO, be sure to take advantage of Lynda, an online education tool you can access with your Mesa County Libraries card. Lynda has specific courses on SEO that can provide even more insight on the topic.