End-of-the-year booklists are here again, with their unattainable “3,000 Best Crime Novels of 2018,” designed, I feel sure, to make me feel under-read and inadequate. I am only one woman, and I cannot keep up with these professional bookworms. Also, these lists trigger my book-related FOMO, which leads to the inevitable realization that I am going to die without having read ALL THE BOOKS. My list, by comparison, is a friendly-sized list of my seven favorite novels read in 2018, ones that were especially memorable and engaging. Of course, as an optimistic reader, I buy and check out more books than I am able to finish, a sad fact which I attribute to the pesky business of having to remain employed and not wanting to seem like a-terrible-person-who-would-rather-read-than-make-dinner. Here is my list; what’s on yours?