eResource Spotlight: Data Axle Reference Solutions Database

Are you a business or organization looking to grow and connect with other businesses and broaden your customer base, or do you want to contact someone you fell out of touch with? Mesa County Libraries may have just the tool for you. Data Axle Reference Solutions is a powerful database containing millions of consumer and business profiles. Formerly called Reference USA, you can use Data Axle to search and narrow down your results to meet the specific needs of your organization or interests. For instance, you can use this database to find over 150 million U.S. residents!

Using the “U.S. Consumers / Lifestyles” search, you can access nearly 300 million U.S. consumers and perform market research.  Data Axle’s records are updated regularly, using information from the USPS National Change of Address and Delivery Sequence File.  Deciding which lifestyle choices best fit your needs is the key to a successful search and once you have narrowed down your results from an initial search, you should see a list of people that fit the search criteria, which can be downloaded. There are many options to view the results, as well, such as with charts to heat maps.  

You can also use this database to search for U.S. businesses, new homeowners, physicians and dentists, internships and jobs, and use the “U.S. Standard White Pages” option to search for individuals living in the United States.  

You can get very detailed in terms of what information you can obtain through Data Axle. Sorting consumer and business profiles that fit your targeted lifestyles is just one way that you can use the Data Axle Reference Solutions database. There are also a number of other databases we offer, so checkout our list of eResources for more information! 

Posted in Business, eResources.

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