Credit: Photo by Samuel Branch
The University of Denver Veterans Advocacy Project (VAP) has scheduled a veteran law outreach event from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, at the Mesa County Libraries Central Library, 443 N. 6th St. in Grand Junction.
At this event, VAP lawyers will be prepared to answer questions about veteran-related legal issues and military discharge upgrades. This event is open to all veterans at no charge. No registration is required.
General information sessions will be held every hour from 9 a.m. through 2 p.m.
At 2 p.m., the lawyers will host a “Pop-Up Clinic” in which veterans will be able to consult with a veteran law attorney on a walk-in basis. Attorneys and students will listen to a veteran’s story to determine if their issue is something the clinic can help with. If the case falls outside the clinic’s domain – as would family law or a housing issue – the students connect them with the appropriate organization.
The VAP is a team of Colorado attorneys and University of Denver law students committed to serving veterans on VA disability benefit compensation cases and discharge upgrade cases. The VAP works in concert with the Colorado Bar Association’s efforts to assist veterans with other legal needs. For more information about the project, visit www.law.du.edu/veterans-advocacy-project