The Noise Guy entertains during a Summer Reading event at Mesa County Libraries.
Each year, Mesa County Libraries host a summer reading program to support students with summer reading and to prevent summer slide. This year’s program will continue through Saturday, July 30, which means you still have time to read and win! We’re also seeking your feedback about this year’s Summer Reading experience.
We will draw for grand prizes on Wednesday, Aug. 3. Make sure you finish logging your reading to be eligible to win one of these awesome prizes:
• Kids:
Gift Certificate for a new bicycle
Kindle Fire Tablet
Outdoor lawn game set
GJ Rockies tickets
Baseball signed by Grand Junction Rockies players
• Teens:
Gift Certificate for a new bicycle
Grand Junction Downtown Gift Certificate
• Adults:
Grand Junction Downtown Gift Certificate
Barnes & Noble Gift Certificate
GJ Rockies tickets
Baseball signed by Grand Junction Rockies players
Also, we are hosting one more summer entertainment event that you won’t want to miss! Mark your calendar for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11, and join us at the Central Library for Didgeridoo Down Under to enjoy didgeridoo music and interactive entertainment.
And finally, parents please help us by filling out this very short survey about Summer Reading at Mesa County Libraries. Thank you!