TJ Smith
Multidisciplinary artist TJ Smith is the new Mesa County Libraries 970West Artist in Residence.
Smith, a two-year resident of Grand Junction, will host several how-to workshops at various library locations and also will host Meet and Greet times at the 970West Studio, 502 Ouray Ave. across from the Central Library, where the public may stop by and talk with him about his art.
Smith, whose residency begins Jan. 13 and runs through April 20, 2020, says fostering creativity is the purpose of his time at the 970West Studio.
“One who travels is one who experiences,” Smith says. “I was born between the trees of Pennsylvania, destined for a future of westward exploration. I live in the balance between art, design, freedom, and athletics. My current projects are inspired by roaming the land and blur the line of minimalism and surrealism. I experiment with both digital and analog mediums; however, my methodology for refinement is consistent. I share my work in the hopes that it inspires others to lose themselves in nature, surrendering to the simple beauty around them, forever rooted in pleasure and aesthetics.”
Smith has scheduled the workshops listed below. They are open to the public at no charge, and several workshops require advance registration due to limited space.
The public may visit Smith in the 970West Studio, 502 Ouray Ave., from 5-7 p.m. Tuesdays and 2-4 p.m. Thursdays from Jan. 16-April 16. Reservations are not required.
- 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, at the Central Library, 443 N. 6th St.
- 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Palisade Branch, 119 W. Third St.
- 3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25, at the Fruita Branch, 324 N. Coulson St.
Learn the basics of layout and composition, as well as collage and printmaking techniques, to create a handheld memory booklet. Participants are encouraged to bring in photos, ephemera, or found objects from a particular event or moment in time to use in creating a personal booklet of remembrance.
Registration is required via the online Event Calendar (click the class above that interests you) or by calling 970-243-4442. Supplies are included. Please register for only one workshop session.
- 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20, in the Central Library Children’s Area, 443 N. 6th St.
Kids and families learn the basics of collage and printmaking to create a one-of-a-kind booklet. No registration required.
Experiment with art techniques to create custom postcards. Participants are encouraged to bring in found objects that will aid in the creative process while making tactile, unique, send-able postcards to share or display. Often, our collected bits of ephemera have a story attached and spark creativity.
Registration is required via the online Event Calendar (click the link above) or by calling 970-243-4442. Supplies are included.
Smith is the first of three artists in residence scheduled for the 970West Studio in 2020. The other artists are: Rebecca Woods, printmaker and multimedia artist, May 4-Aug. 10; and Evan Curtis, stop-motion animation artist, Aug. 24-Nov. 30.
The Mesa County Libraries 970West Artist in Residence program aims to support the endeavors of local artists who connect and engage the community with a variety of arts. Selected artists receive a $500 stipend courtesy of the Mesa County Libraries Foundation. Artists are provided with studio space in the 970West Studio to hone and focus their creative talents while sharing their expertise and skills with the community through scheduled presentations and workshops at the library. Artists are encouraged to use their 14-week residency as an opportunity for growth and development while engaging with the community.
For more information about the 970West Artist in Residence program, visit mesacountylibraries.org/services/970weststudio/air