When you are desperately under-read, where will you turn? You could ask your many “chums” for advice, I suppose. But perhaps they have terrible taste and will only tell you to read the latest Schlocky McBestseller. And then they will follow up by asking what you thought of it. Ugh. Just no. Listen to the Book Lush when I tell you, NoveList can solve all your problems, as long as all your problems involve books, reading, and what to read next. I, for one, will admit to no other problems. NoveList has Recommended Reads lists for every genre in fiction and nonfiction, author read-alikes, title read-alikes, and the ability to find a book whose title you’ve forgotten, with just a basic plot description. How do you find this utopia of reader’s advisory? Simply go to the Mesa County Libraries’ catalog, look under “Find your next read” on the left, and click on “NoveList.” As easy as asking your dopey friend what to read, and much more effective.