Read a banned classic

This week is Banned Books Week, and it’s a fine time to explore the classics that have been banned or challenged throughout the decades. Some reasons for banning and challenging books: offensive language and vulgarity sexual content contempt for religion, family, and marriage pro-Communist views morbid and depressing themes criticism of Islam Banned classics include:

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Local History Thursday: Candy Man Chet Enstrom

People in the Grand Valley know Chet Enstrom for his delicious almond toffee, still sold by Enstrom Candies. But did you know that he started his career as an ice cream maker? In his interview with the Mesa County Oral History Project, Enstrom describes how he became involved in the ice cream business. When Enstrom […]

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Graphic: Mesa County Libraries logo

Career help for the quiet person

I am no careerist, but I still have to be a functional human at work, and Hiding in the Bathroom: an introvert’s roadmap to getting out there (when you’d rather stay home), by Morra Aarons-Mele, seems like a great title to help my reluctant introvert nebbish self.  Bathrooms are not my preferred refuge, of course; my cat-furred […]

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Summer Reading Winners!

Hi all, Hard to believe that fall is in the air and that school has been in session for a month!!  I just wanted to officially congratulate all the participants of Summer Reading!  There were 4,244 participants of all ages, who collectively read 28, 407 hours! For one person, that’s 3-years-worth of non-stop reading! Way to […]

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Woman and girl yoga

Relax, Breath, & Internet

As an initiative to inform the public about safe and stress-free internet use, licensed professional counselor Elizabeth Clark and the library are hosting CyberStrong. Be strong in the internet age… Be CyberStrong What is CyberStrong? CyberStrong is an library discussion for parents who want to learn information and techniques in order to help themselves and their […]

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Board to interview library director finalists; reception set for Sept. 6

The Mesa County Libraries Board of Trustees are scheduled to interview the three finalists for library director on Thursday, Sept. 6, and a public reception is planned that day to give interested members of the community an opportunity to meet the candidates. Trustees will discuss the candidates and possibly decide to offer the director’s job […]

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