Wireless Printing

Instructions for Wireless Printing

Laptop | iDevices | Android | Via Email

From a laptop:

  1. Begin by visiting the proper link for your location:
  2. Choose your printer based on your printing needs: one-sided or two-sided.
  3. Enter your email address.
  4. Browse your computer to find and select the file you wish to print, or copy and paste the url of a webpage to print.
  5. Click the green print icon.
  6. You will see the status of your print job.
  7. At the self-service print station, select “Release a Print Job.”
  8. Enter the email address you supplied.
  9. Select the print job you wish to print. Note: You will not be able to edit your document.
  10. Select print.
  11. The system will ask for payment.  Insert your money in the vending device and hit ‘ok’ (do not hit ‘ok’ before inserting your money).
  12. Your print job will be printed and any change due given.


For iDevices (iPad, iPhone):

  1. Download the PrinterOn App from the iTunes store
  2. Open the PrinterOn app
  3. Select a printer using ‘search’ from bottom menu and search for ‘MCL’.  Choose MCL Central, MCL Clifton, or MCL Fruita.  Then choose one or two-sided depending on your printing needs.
  4. Choose what to print: Documents, Email, Photos, or Web
  5. To select only certain pages to print, click the icon in the upper-right corner.
  6. Click ‘Print’.
  7. Enter email address and tap checkmark in upper-right corner–your printing status will appear.
  8. At the self-service print station, select “Release a Print Job”.
  9. Enter the email address you supplied.
  10. Select the print job you wish to print.  Note: You will not be able to edit your document.
  11. Select print.
  12. The system will ask for payment.  Insert your money in the vending device and hit ‘ok’ (do not hit ‘ok’ before inserting your money).
  13. Your print job will be printed and any change due given.


For Android-powered devices:

  1. Download Android PrinterOn app from the Google Play store.
  2. Open the PrinterOn app
  3. Tap ‘select a printer’ at bottom and swipe left on top menu for Search option. Search for ‘MCL’.  Choose MCL Central, MCL Clifton, or MCL Fruita.  Then choose one or two-sided depending on your printing needs.
  4. Choose what to print: Documents, Email, Photos, or Web
  5. To select only certain pages to print, click the icon in the upper-right corner.
  6. Click ‘Print’.
  7. Enter email address and tap checkmark in upper-right corner —your printing status will appear.
  8. At the self-service print station, select “Release a Print Job”.
  9. Enter the email address you supplied.
  10. Select the print job you wish to print.  Note: You will not be able to edit your document.
  11. Select print.The system will ask for payment.  Insert your money in the vending device and hit ‘ok’ (do not hit ‘ok’ before inserting your money).
  12. Your print job will be printed and any change due given.


Mobile Printing from Any Device – No App

  1. Send your attachment via email to the appropriate email address for the print-job type. Note: you must put something in the subject line or your email won’t go through.
    • Central Library:
      • Single-sided b&w: cessbw@printspots.com
      • Double-sided b&w: cedsbw@printspots.com
      • Legal-single-sided b&w: cesslbw@printspots.com
      • Legal-double-sided b&w: cedslbw@printspots.com
      • Single-sided color: cessc@printspots.com
      • Double-sided color: cedsc@printspots.com
      • Legal-single-sided color: cesslc@printspots.com
      • Legal-double-sided color: cedslc@printspots.com
    • Clifton Library:
      • Single-sided b&w: clssbw@printspots.com
      • Double-sided b&w: cldsbw@printspots.com
      • Legal-single-sided b&w: clsslbw@printspots.com
      • Legal-double-sided b&w: cldslbw@printspots.com
      • Single-sided color: clssc@printspots.com
      • Double-sided color: cldsc@printspots.com
      • Legal-single-sided color: clsslc@printspots.com
      • Legal-double-sided color: cldslc@printspots.com
    • Fruita Library:
      • Single-sided b&w: frssbw@printspots.com
      • Double-sided b&w: frdsbw@printspots.com
      • Legal-single-sided b&w: frsslbw@printspots.com
      • Legal-double-sided b&w: frdslbw@printspots.com
      • Single-sided color: frssc@printspots.com
      • Double-sided color: frdsc@printspots.com
      • Legal-single-sided color: frsslc@printspots.com
      • Legal-double-sided color: frdslc@printspots.com
  1. At the self-service print station, select “Release a Print Job.”
  2. Enter the email address you supplied.
  3. Select the print job you wish to print. Note: You will not be able to edit your document.
  4. Select print.
  5. The system will ask for payment.  Insert your money in the vending device and hit ‘ok’ (do not hit ‘ok’ before inserting your money).
  6. Your print job will be printed and any change due given.