Graphic: Mesa County Libraries logo

Bravery during the Blitz

In Dear Mrs. Bird, by A.J. Pearson, Emmeline Lake, age 22, dreams of being a journalist, and when she sees an ad for a position at the London Evening Chronicle, she immediately imagines a fabulous career ahead of her as a Lady Wartime Correspondent. In early 1940s London, during the Blitz, Emmy and her friend, […]

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Las Posadas: a Latin American Christmas

Families pray, children play, and everyone feasts. Endless spreads of ponche, tamales, champurrado, pozole, and buñuelos appear before hungry crowds. And, of course, there is the piñata! With sparklers in hand, kids watch and wait for the piñata to be bashed into surrendering its hoard of candy. Las posadas is a nine day Latin American […]

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Two silhouettes of faces surrounded by question marks

Local History Thursday: Old Slang

  Since long before I was a young whippersnapper, there have been some interesting slang expressions thrown around the Grand Valley region. The Mesa County Oral History Project is full of interviews with original settlers to this area. Indulge in a listen, and you may pick up on some ways of speech that inspire confusion, […]

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COHS graduates

Congratulations to six new COHS graduates

Congratulations to the six new graduates from Mesa County Libraries Career Online High School! The students who achieved this personal milestone were honored during a well-attended ceremony Wednesday, Dec. 5, at the Central Library. Graduates who received their high-school diplomas and accompanying career certifications are: Ana Coria (Homeland Security); Dillon Dickerson (General Career Preparation); Eusebia […]

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Kids Read Picks, Vol. 8

Kids Read Picks presents book reviews and recommendations from kids in Mesa County. Don’t be surprised if you can’t find some of these books at the library or in stores: kids who attend Kids Read Book Club on Tuesdays at 4:00 at the Central Library have access to books before they are officially published. Rating […]

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Library now offers GED preparation classes

Mesa County Libraries now offer two options for Mesa County residents who want to complete their high-school education: a GED preparation program and Career Online High School. The new GED preparation program at Mesa County Libraries is currently enrolling students who wish to complete their high-school equivalency. Assessments are scheduled for Dec. 10 and 11 […]

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Girl with hat

Kids Book Couture

Fashion can be fun for all ages. Dressing up, finding the right shoes, the right dress or shirt is a creative activity sort of like painting a picture or designing a set for a play. Every piece of clothing in our closet exists the way it does thanks to the many artists, designers, and fashion […]

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