Finding The Little Book Cliff Railway

Did you know that a narrow gauge railroad used to travel from the Book Cliffs all the way to 1st Street? In 1890 an entrepreneur named W.T Carpenter opened the Book Cliff Coal Mine. The Little Book Cliff Railway was built to transport coal from the foot of the Book Cliffs to Grand Junction. The […]

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Summer reading lists

Apparently, readers need a lot of help in the summer. Everyone and their dog publishes  “beach-reads lists” ; I ask you: who’s got a beach around here? How about “books to read when people insist you go with them when they fish”? “Books to read instead of going to the gym like you’re supposed to, […]

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YA Audiobook pairs

Looking for a few good audiobooks to get you through your next big trip? Have you heard about SYNC? It’s a free summer audiobook program for young adults. For the next 6 weeks SYNC will give away two complete audiobook downloads a week – a current young adult title along with a thematically paired classic or […]

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Wonder and Magic

Remember the wonder of reading fairy tales like Hansel & Gretel and the magical pull of musical arrangements that called to you? High Desert Opera has combined the two in their next performance of Hansel & Gretel. Come to the Central library on Tuesday, July 7th at 6:30 p.m. for an “Informance” presented by Ed […]

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