Books for tough times

There are times when even the stiffest of upper lips wobble, and the most ardent reader’s literary work ethic turns to mush. This poor unfortunate soul cannot conceive of picking up the grim psychological thriller, the worthy biography,the best-selling history,  or even the latest gore-soaked serial killer novel.  Dark days call for cheerful measures, and […]

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Ooo! Aaa! Solar Eclipse 2017!

Hey everyone, there’s this super rare natural phenomenon known as a ” total solar eclipse” happening this Monday, August 21! Citizens across the country will be whipping out their fancy eclipse glasses or homemade viewing devices, and hunkering down to enjoy this special natural event.  Here in Grand Junction the event will be viewed as […]

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Jane Austen at Home

When I don’t want to be a soulless creep, I turn to Jane Austen. Reading her as an uncouth youth elevated my witless literary habits and saved me from a slack-jawed, Judith- Krantz-and-her-ilk-filled future. She was my gateway to the classics, and her tart and funny novels have entertained me ever since. Her charming satire, […]

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Coffee Lovers Unite

Coffee: it’s the first thing I think of when I wake up.  The ritual begins as I groggily slump towards the kitchen with eyes half open, heading directly towards the stove top to begin boiling water.  I move on to pour beans out of the bag with a gentle urgency, always adding a little more […]

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Comic Books/Graphic Novels Appreciation

The Will Eisner Award Nominations for 2017 were recently released. If you are a comic book fan, you know what this means. If you are not a big fan but like some comic books or want to give them a try, this is the list for you. Wikipedia tells me that they are sometimes referred […]

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Celebrate Colorado Day, August 1

Did you know that Colorado turns 141 tomorrow? On August 1, 1876, President Ulysses S. Grant signed a proclamation granting Colorado statehood. We’re the Centennial State! To celebrate, on Monday, August 7, Colorado Parks and Wildlife is giving free admission to all state parks. Here is a link to help you decide where to go. If you like reading […]

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Happy Colorado River Day!

Isn’t she a beaut?  Colorado River Day is recognized each year on July 25th.  It was on this day in 1921 that Congress re-named the river from the “Grand” to the “Colorado.” 96 years later, the river flows 1,450 miles from Colorado to California.  In and around her waters you can experience many recreational delights […]

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Dog days of summer: a reading guide

Dogs are the best. Except when they’re the worst, of course. For dog lovers and skeptics alike, here are some heartwarming tales of doggie redemption: The Puppy Diaries: raising a dog named Scout by Jill Abramson Following Atticus: forty-eight high peaks, one little dog, and an extraordinary friendship by Tom Ryan Devoted: 38 extraordinary tales […]

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