Girl Waits with Gun

Inspired by  a true historical episode, Girl Waits with Gun, by Amy Stewart, starts with an automobile crashing into a buggy carrying the Kopp sisters.  It’s 1914 in Paterson, New Jersey, and the villainous Henry Kaufman, drunken and erratic son of a rich factory owner, refuses to pay for the damages.  He and his thugs soon begin […]

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New @ Your Library – Trail Maps

Good news for all outdoor lovers – the Central and Fruita libraries now have regional National Geographic Trails Illustrated Maps for checkout!  We’ve got many different western Colorado and Utah locations, including Arches, Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and much more. These maps are waterproof, tear resistant and thoroughly researched to make sure all roads and trails […]

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A Man Called Ove

O, Ove, How I’ll miss closing my days with you. In Chapter 1 you tested my patience; I could laugh only because I wasn’t the one trying to explain the “computer that is not a computer” to you. In Chapter 2 you were so bitter and severe I almost walked away, but by Chapter 5 […]

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Grand Junction’s History in “Firsts”

Every town has its firsts: the first baby born, the first death, the first editorial shaming of a woman for riding her horse through town in inappropriate dress (see news clipping). The firsts of many towns and cities are mired in the haze of pre-history, when no one thought to make a note about the […]

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Kiva Book Club – Ordinary Grace

Join us for our next Kiva Bookclub, at 6:30 pm on Thursday, July 21st, in the Central Library Community Room, as we discuss Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger. In Ordinary Grace, thirteen-year-old Frank Drum, a Methodist preacher’s son, explores the darker side of what the book jacket describes as a “time of innocence and […]

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Pride and Prejudice Redux

We don’t often talk about spin-offs in book form, but there is one novel that has a surprising number of published sequels or retellings or just plain knock-offs.  At Mesa County Library, we have at least 25 different titles that are based on Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.   Some are sequels that tell […]

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Safe surfing!

Concerned about being safe online?  Join us for an internet safety class at the Central Library on Thursday, July 7, at 1:30 pm. We’ll discuss the internet’s major risks: malware, hacking, identity theft, and scams – what do these terms mean, how to protect yourself, how to recognize if you’ve become a victim, and what […]

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Waning Colorado plains town

Childhood friends Gordon Walker and Leigh Ransom plan to attend college together in the fall, but over the summer, unsettling events in the dying Colorado plains town of Lions ruin those plans. Businesses close and residents leave for a better life elsewhere. The derelict sugar beet factory and the rusted grain elevator prompt the few […]

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The Boy in the Suitcase

Nina Borg was doing a favor for a friend, just retrieving a suitcase from a Copenhagen train station.  “You’re always so keen on saving people, aren’t you? Well, here’s your chance.”    Inside the suitcase was a small, drugged, naked boy, and Nina panics.  Soon she’s on the run with the boy, being pursued by the thugs […]

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