Teen Reviews: Roses

Finding a book I like and am willing to finish is very difficult. But as I started Roses I found that a book is more than meets the eye and more then what others say about the book. I normally do not enjoy books that take place in the early times but Roses had an enchanting […]

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Teen Reviews: Ship It

‘Ship It’ is a fabulous YA novel about a girl obsessed with a TV show, who gets to live every fangirls dream- Meeting the actors of the show! Unfortunately, one of the lead actors is… Less than kind to her after she asks a question at a comicon panel about whether a ship between the […]

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Teen Reviews: Brightly Burning

  This book was absolutely brilliant – it was a mix of so many things; sci-fi, mystery, romance. It was a beautiful blend and had just the right amount of each element. Being set in a future of governmental evils and love interests who just can’t stay still, it reminded me much of Defy the Stars […]

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