PHOTO I.D. - Screenshot of a Department of Energy video depicting the detonation of an underground nuclear bomb in their Project Rulison experiment.

Local History Thursday: Splitting the Atom, Project Rulison and Project Rio Blanco

When you take a core of enriched uranium-235 and start flinging neutrons at it, something very special happens. First, the neutron strikes the nucleus of a single atom of uranium-235, causing it to split into fragments. Then, these fragmented atoms release neutrons of their own, which strike the nucleus of neighboring atoms, causing a cascading […]

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[PHOTO ID:] A man enters a car packed with his belongings as he prepares to leave B

Local History Thursday: …The Harder the Bust (Black Sunday, part 2)

On Wednesday, April 26, in a boardroom located in a Sixth Avenue skyscraper in Manhattan, a group of Exxon executives decided to kill the Colony Shale Oil Project. They considered a variety of factors, including the rising cost of the project, an unfavorable petroleum market, and declining first-quarter profits. They made their decision, shook hands, […]

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Mango Languages Logo

eResource Spotlight: Mango Languages

Hola, ciao, and bonjour! Have you ever wanted to learn a new language? Want a refresher on your high school foreign language classes? Frustrated by the pushiness of the Duolingo owl? With Mango Languages, learning a new language is a breeze! Mango Languages offers courses on over 70 world languages. Explore popular languages like Spanish, […]

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Universal Class Logo

eResource Spotlight: Universal Class

Did you know that Mesa County Libraries patrons have access to over 600 free online classes? If not, then you should definitely look into Universal Class, a free eResource offering tutorials, lessons, and classes on a diverse array of topics. There’s something for everyone on Universal Class, from history lessons, art/hobby tutorials, cooking classes, test […]

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