Mesa County Libraries to begin construction of 970West production studio

Mesa County Libraries plan to break ground in early July on a digital recording and production studio that will offer opportunities for the public to learn and perform professional-level audio and video recording. The studio also will enhance Mesa County Libraries’ ability to document and preserve Mesa County’s unique and vanishing cultural assets. Approximately 3,000 […]

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Life From Scratch

I came for the food; I stayed for the story. Sasha Martin’s book begins with the remembrance of life with her brother and eccentric mother. After her mother lost her investments, life in a low-income and unconventional home was both rough and imaginative. As a result of their mother’s ways, Martin and her brother spent […]

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If you’re wondering what to read/listen to/watch next, look no further than our Pinterest Board!  It’s full of staff picks for fiction, nonfiction, music and lots more.  We’ve also got boards to pique your interest in local history or get inspired to finally start that gardening or cooking hobby.  Warning:  Pinterest is highly addictive!  

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Mesa County Libraries and Museum of Western Colorado present new exhibit at Central Library

Mesa County Libraries and the Museum of Western Colorado have teamed up to provide Central Library patrons with a glimpse of the museum’s unique collections.   A newly installed display case in the Central Library’s checkout area will host a rotating exhibit provided by the museum. The displays will give library patrons an interesting glimpse […]

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Etta and Otto and Russell and James

You know when you see something on Facebook that you really enjoy and you think you should mark in some way, but you don’t? Now I am sorry that I didn’t. A year or so ago a word floated around, a word to capture the feeling once you finish a book that you enjoyed so […]

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Comic Con Recap

It was great to see so many people at our first annual Comic Con! Mesa County comic fans showed up in droves for free comics, activities, photo ops, and our costume contest! In case you missed it—don’t worry, we’ll do it again next year! Start putting your costume together. And in the meantime enjoy these […]

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