Healthy Resolutions? Check this out!

It’s January, a time when many of us take a look at how we might make some healthy changes in our lives.  Consumer Health Complete is available 24/7 from home with your library card!  Check out popular magazines like Shape and Men’s Fitness, search videos and animation, learn more about medications and natural alternatives and […]

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Parting Gifts

The time has come, my three loyal readers.  This will be Cinephile Femme’s final blog post here at Mesa County Libraries.  In honor of this bittersweet occasion, I have compiled 10 of my very favorite closing lines in cinema history.  They aren’t necessarily the most famous (see: “Louie, I think this is the beginning of […]

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Loss of a Legend

On November 19th we lost Mike Nichols, a filmmaker whose body of work displays stunning range, disquieting frankness, and a startling peak in to humanity (or lack thereof).   Seamlessly transitioning from theater to film, Nichols spent the last 50 years creating bona fide classics, and carving out a place for himself as one of cinema’s greatest directors. […]

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Comeback Keaton

An aging actor, once famous for his role in a beloved super-hero franchise, is now attempting an artistic comeback in a work of meaning and substance.  This is the plot of Birdman (in theaters), but also of its star, Michael Keaton, who was once Batman (get it?), but hasn’t had many hits in the last […]

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It was 20 years ago today…

On October 14th, 1994, Quentin Tarantino‘s groundbreaking, Pulp Fiction, came blasting on to movie screens.  20 years later (and, even after endless copycats), it remains a subversive, jolting, and sublimely entertaining piece of work. Fiction, with its seamless dialogue, quintessential soundtrack, nonlinear storytelling, and humanized criminals, enraptured audiences and critics alike, cementing Tarantino as both the most inspired and […]

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Real Gone Girl

What are you thinking?  How are you feeling?  What have we done to each other?   And, so begins Gone Girl (in theaters now), David Fincher‘s film adaptation of Gillian Flynn‘s phenomenally successful novel (it spent a staggering 91 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list).  Thanks to Flynn’s faithful screenplay and Fincher’s moody direction, the movie […]

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Painted Horses

Malcolm Brooks’ new novel Painted Horses takes place in post-WWII America. Catherine Lemay eschews convention, choosing archaeology over marriage to a Manhattan banker. She goes to work for the River Basin Survey near the Montana-Wyoming border to identify any significant archeological sites before the Harris Power and Light dams the river and floods the canyon. […]

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