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Mesa County Libraries’ Commitment to Diversity and Anti-Racism

At its regular monthly meeting June 25, the Mesa County Public Library District Board of Trustees approved the following statement:   Mesa County Libraries’ Commitment to Diversity and Anti-Racism June 25, 2020 As an advocate of freedom and equality in all their many forms, Mesa County Libraries support diversity in our community, our libraries, and […]

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Libraries to reopen on a limited basis Monday, June 8

Update:  As of 7/13/20, all libraries are back to operating at regular hours.  We are still practicing COVID precautions–see post below for details and information on limited services.  Curbside pickup will continue to be offered indefinitely for those who don’t wish to enter the library. —————————– Mesa County Libraries plan to reopen to public visits […]

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Update on library services

As Colorado and our Mesa County community shift to a “safer-at-home” strategy, we want to update our patrons on the status of library services. This week (the week of April 27), some library staff have returned to our facilities to work on plans for resuming certain library services. Some of the most important new developments […]

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Library cancels all programs and events through March 31

In an effort to limit the potential spread of the coronavirus among the public, Mesa County Libraries are canceling all programs and events through at least March 31. Although there have been no reports of COVID-19 illness in Mesa County, local health authorities are recommending the postponement or cancellation of all nonessential gatherings in order […]

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