My heavens! Learn about prehistoric astronomy in western Colorado

Long before modern humans began studying the night sky, prehistoric societies were monitoring the stars for important events. An upcoming presentation, “Prehistoric Archaeoastronomy in Northwestern Colorado,” will describe scientific findings at the Gunsight Pass Archaeological Site, a prehistoric archaeoastronomy site recorded by Dominguez Archaeological Research Group archaeologists Brian O’Neill, Cheryl Harrison, and H. Sonny Shelton […]

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Staff Reading Recommendations

If you’re looking for something new to read but don’t know where to start, a great place to look is the Reader’s Café: Reviews guide on our website. To navigate to this guide, click on Book Reviews and Recommendations under the Books + More tab on the Mesa County Libraries home page. After that, click on […]

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Game of Thrones Read-Alikes

In case you haven’t heard, Game of Thrones season 8, the final season, came to a close this past Sunday. But fear not, for we have some Game of Thrones read-alikes to tide you over! To find more read-alikes for this series, or other series, check out Novelist (library card required to access).

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Michelle Boisvenue-Fox photo

Michelle Boisvenue-Fox selected as new director of Mesa County Libraries

Michelle Boisvenue-Fox, a library administrator with a two-decade record of driving innovation and creativity in library settings, has been selected as the new director of Mesa County Libraries. The Mesa County Libraries Board of Trustees made the announcement today. Boisvenue-Fox currently serves as director of programming, outreach, and collection services for the Kent District Library […]

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