Colorado mountains and rivers

Colorado State Recreation Guides

Can you feel it? Spring is, in fact, springing! Green things are growing, and the air is tingling with warmth.  It’s time for us to crawl out of our winter dens, rub our eyes, and stare wide-eyed at the sun-dappled world around us. If you’re feeling the urge to wander outside and partake in one […]

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Poetic Celebration of Women's History Month

Poetic Celebration of National Women’s History Month

  “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” -Mary Oliver   March is National Women’s History Month.  To further celebrate the abundance of fantastic female masterminds who have roamed this earth, I’ve compiled a short list of American lady poets whose words have inspired throughout the years. The following authors […]

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Universal Class Spreads Holiday Cheery

Universal Class Spreads Holiday Cheer

The holiday season is upon us.  It’s the time for random relatives to come out of the woodworks, sugar intake to go up, belt notches to be loosened, and shiny, bright decor to radiate light from all angles.  Are you feeling slightly lackluster or in need of some new ideas to spice up your season? […]

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Tis the Season to Eat Soup

‘Tis the Season to Eat Soup

The use of your five senses has confirmed it: Winter is, in fact, coming.  The trees are bare and stripped of color.  The air smells crisp and carries a lingering chill.  Sneezes and nose sniffles can be heard resounding throughout the land.  But fear not! There is a positive component amidst all this grey frigidity:  […]

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Ceratosaurus drawing Brooke Safken

Dino Dreamin’

If you’re a girl like me, you grew up playing with dinosaurs. When your sister tried to force you to play with her little Suzy dolls instead of dinosaurs, you made your T-Rex figurine bite Suzy’s arm off within a matter of minutes.  My fascination for paleontology and dinosaurs began early and took off like […]

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Ooo! Aaa! Solar Eclipse 2017!

Hey everyone, there’s this super rare natural phenomenon known as a ” total solar eclipse” happening this Monday, August 21! Citizens across the country will be whipping out their fancy eclipse glasses or homemade viewing devices, and hunkering down to enjoy this special natural event.  Here in Grand Junction the event will be viewed as […]

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Coffee Lovers Unite

Coffee: it’s the first thing I think of when I wake up.  The ritual begins as I groggily slump towards the kitchen with eyes half open, heading directly towards the stove top to begin boiling water.  I move on to pour beans out of the bag with a gentle urgency, always adding a little more […]

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Happy Colorado River Day!

Isn’t she a beaut?  Colorado River Day is recognized each year on July 25th.  It was on this day in 1921 that Congress re-named the river from the “Grand” to the “Colorado.” 96 years later, the river flows 1,450 miles from Colorado to California.  In and around her waters you can experience many recreational delights […]

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