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Staff Summer Reading Picks

Looking to discover some new variety to spice up your summer reading list? Our dedicated staff here at Mesa County Libraries has compiled a list of over 100 titles they’re excited to read during this upcoming summer season.  These titles cover a wide diversity of genres and include picks for Youth, Teen, and Adult reading […]

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What’s Growing?

The Mesa County Library Discovery Garden on 5th Street and Chipeta Avenue continues to bloom with plant life and new developments. This plot of land is used to offer a quiet place to relax, to share educational programming with the public, and to offer free, healthy vegetables for our community to eat and enjoy.  One […]

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image of bioswale

What’s Growing?

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt” –Margaret Atwood The Discovery Garden is a special part of Mesa County Libraries on the corner of Fifth Street and Chipeta Avenue in Grand Junction.  Within its boundaries you will find a lovely setting for the community to sit and relax, check […]

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Photo of Alexios from Assassins Creed Odyssey

Video Game Review: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Assassin’s Creed is a series of games centered around two ancient fictional organizations, the Templars and Assassins. Odyssey takes place in Ancient Greece circa 431 BC. In the previous game, Assassins Creed Origins, we met Layla Hassan. Layla is a young scientist working with the assassins to overthrow the Templars in modern times. Through her, […]

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Local History Thursday: Discipline, Order And Boxing Matches In Town And Rural Schools

In these days of quarantine and online schooling, parents of antsy, hyperactive kids everywhere are wondering how to provide discipline that works (my own kids have interrupted me several times as I write this blog post. Fun!). Discipline has always been a concern of classroom teachers, but interviews from teachers and former students in Western […]

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Graphic: Mesa County Libraries logo

Update on library services

As Colorado and our Mesa County community shift to a “safer-at-home” strategy, we want to update our patrons on the status of library services. This week (the week of April 27), some library staff have returned to our facilities to work on plans for resuming certain library services. Some of the most important new developments […]

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