Kitchen scene from Overcooked 2 Video Game

Video Game Review: Overcooked 2

“Fantastic party game that will have you and your friends laughing constantly.  Even if you are playing the game solo, it is a blast and a half. 8/10 more addictive than Candy Crush.” – John Orchard Mesa Branch “Overcooked 2 has the feel of a mobile game with the story elements of a great console […]

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Library cancels all programs and events through March 31

In an effort to limit the potential spread of the coronavirus among the public, Mesa County Libraries are canceling all programs and events through at least March 31. Although there have been no reports of COVID-19 illness in Mesa County, local health authorities are recommending the postponement or cancellation of all nonessential gatherings in order […]

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Local History Thursday: The Driggs Mansion

Within the first few months of moving to Grand Junction, I went out for a cloudy day drive on Highway 141 up to Gateway, Colorado. This day trip had been recommended to me by many locals for its incredible beauty, and those recommendations were 100% accurate.  With sweeping canyon views, verdant sagebrush fields and plentiful […]

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Teen Reviews: Bloom

Teen Reviews presents book reviews by teens in Mesa County. Don’t be surprised if you can’t find some of these books at the library or in stores: teens who attend Teen Readers Meetup on Wednesdays at 4:00 at the Central Library have access to books before they are officially published. Panetta, Kevin. Bloom Soft, sappy, and […]

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Library outlines COVID-19 response

Mesa County Libraries are prepared to cope with a potential local outbreak of coronavirus.  Although no cases of the COVID-19 illness have been reported in Mesa County as of this writing (March 2, 2020), your local libraries are increasing their frequency of cleaning, especially on door handles and other surfaces that people frequently touch. Such […]

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Local History Thursday: The Crafty Ways of Mesa County Pioneers

If you’re a user of the internet and any bit excited about cooking, crafting, home design, travel, or general entertainment, chances are you have experienced the (sometimes addicting) Pinterest app.  Pinterest is a social media network designed for users to easily search specific topics, save information and photos, and discover new ideas based on personal […]

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