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November Staff Favorites

The books are flying off the shelves as quickly as the leaves are falling off the branches.  Time to cuddle up and find yourself a good read! Here’s what a few Mesa County Library employees have recently enjoyed, all available in our catalog:   Denise’s pick: Lost Connections by Johann Hari (2018)  In Lost Connections, […]

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Local History Thursday: Butting Heads with John Otto

If you’ve lived in Mesa County for a few years or have strolled around the Colorado National Monument more than once, you are most likely familiar with the legendary John Otto. John Otto was the custodian, founder, and undoubtedly the biggest cheerleader for our beautiful Colorado National Monument, a place of canyons and grandeur that […]

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Local History Thursday: We Can, and We Did

If you’re at all drawn to Martha Stewart, Pinterest, and food preservation, you may get excited about canning fruits and vegetables.  This process has been used for generations to sustain foods in airtight storage to last through tumultuous winters, or simply to snack on during any season. With the abundance of early 1900s fruit and […]

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October 2019 Spooky Staff Favorites

The pumpkins are poppin’ off the vines and the candy sales are skyrocketing.  October is a time of change, both in weather and mood.  Those who are so inclined begin to seek entertainment focused on a blend of spooky, scary, creepy, gory, gruesome, hair-raising, and supernatural. The staff here at Mesa County Libraries who enjoy […]

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Grand Mesa during fall time.

Local History Thursday: The Surrender Tree

One of the most desirable spots for recreation in all of Mesa County is unarguably the Grand Mesa. At an area of about 500 square miles, the Grand Mesa is the world’s largest flat-top mountain. Tens of thousands of years ago, this geologically unique feature was born from a burst of extreme volcanic activity, causing […]

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September Staff Favorites

Summer’s coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean you should cease your inspiration for new and exciting library materials! Our staff here at Mesa County Libraries expresses great interest in books and movies scanning a wide spectrum of genres.  The following are staff favorites that stood out this September, all available in our catalog: […]

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Local History Thursday: Peach Season

Palisade peach season– it’s finally here! For over 125 years Palisade, Colorado has been utilizing the area to grow peaches that are loved far and wide. The first peach trees were planted in 1882 by a man named John Harlow who described the peaches as “ripening in the sun acquired a brilliant color not found […]

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