January Staff Picks

Welcome to the new year! Here’s to starting 2020 off right with some various recommendations provided by our lovely staff.  These items will all be available in the Mesa County Libraries catalog. Austin’s Pick: The Library Book by Susan Orlean This is a great book on the history of the Los Angeles Library system and […]

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Local History Thursday: The Grand Mesa Ski Club

It’s been snowing in Mesa County, and I know a certain bunch of locals who associate snow with one thought – POWDERHORN! With the abundance of fresh snow the Grand Mesa has received in the last few weeks, it feels appropriate to share a bit of the area’s winter-themed history.  A prior Local History Thursday […]

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Local History Thursday: The Plateau Voice

In the early days of Mesa County’s Plateau Valley, specifically the town of Collbran, Colorado, there existed a newspaper called the Plateau Valley Stockman.  The newspaper began in 1901, changed its name to the Plateau Voice in January 1905 until 1929, and lastly went under new ownership and became the Plateau Valley Voice until October […]

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December Staff Picks

It’s the holiday season! With all the stress attached to travel, shopping and logistical planning, it’s easy to get burnt out. Treat yourself to a present – perhaps that of a great book, CD, or DVD from the library. The following are December’s featured staff favorites, all available in our catalog: Trevor’s pick: Doctor Sleep […]

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Graphic: Mesa County Libraries logo

November Staff Favorites

The books are flying off the shelves as quickly as the leaves are falling off the branches.  Time to cuddle up and find yourself a good read! Here’s what a few Mesa County Library employees have recently enjoyed, all available in our catalog:   Denise’s pick: Lost Connections by Johann Hari (2018)  In Lost Connections, […]

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Local History Thursday: Butting Heads with John Otto

If you’ve lived in Mesa County for a few years or have strolled around the Colorado National Monument more than once, you are most likely familiar with the legendary John Otto. John Otto was the custodian, founder, and undoubtedly the biggest cheerleader for our beautiful Colorado National Monument, a place of canyons and grandeur that […]

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Local History Thursday: We Can, and We Did

If you’re at all drawn to Martha Stewart, Pinterest, and food preservation, you may get excited about canning fruits and vegetables.  This process has been used for generations to sustain foods in airtight storage to last through tumultuous winters, or simply to snack on during any season. With the abundance of early 1900s fruit and […]

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