Kids Read Picks, vol. 13

Kids Read Picks presents book reviews and recommendations from kids in Mesa County. Don’t be surprised if you can’t find some of these books at the library or in stores: kids who attend Kids Read Book Club on Tuesdays at 4:00 at the Central Library have access to books before they are officially published. Rating […]

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Teen Reviews: Eclipse

Teen Reviews presents book reviews and recommendations from teens in Mesa County. Don’t be surprised if you can’t find some of the books mentioned in these posts at the library or in stores: teens who attend Teen Book Club on Wednesdays at 4:00 at the Central Library have access to books before they are officially […]

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Kids Read Picks, vol. 12

Kids Read Picks presents book reviews and recommendations from kids in Mesa County. Don’t be surprised if you can’t find some of these books at the library or in stores: kids who attend Kids Read Book Club on Tuesdays at 4:00 at the Central Library have access to books before they are officially published. Rating […]

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My heavens! Learn about prehistoric astronomy in western Colorado

Long before modern humans began studying the night sky, prehistoric societies were monitoring the stars for important events. An upcoming presentation, “Prehistoric Archaeoastronomy in Northwestern Colorado,” will describe scientific findings at the Gunsight Pass Archaeological Site, a prehistoric archaeoastronomy site recorded by Dominguez Archaeological Research Group archaeologists Brian O’Neill, Cheryl Harrison, and H. Sonny Shelton […]

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