Library launches new streaming video service, Kanopy, with two-day film festival

Mesa County Libraries are launching a new streaming video service, Kanopy, with a two-day animated short film festival Friday and Saturday, Aug. 30 and 31. Kanopy makes it easy to watch some of the most critically acclaimed films ever made, along with Great Courses options. Mesa County Libraries cardholders get 10 Kanopy checkouts per month, […]

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Local History Thursday: Peach Season

Palisade peach season– it’s finally here! For over 125 years Palisade, Colorado has been utilizing the area to grow peaches that are loved far and wide. The first peach trees were planted in 1882 by a man named John Harlow who described the peaches as “ripening in the sun acquired a brilliant color not found […]

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Michelle Boisvenue-Fox photo

Meet the new library director at upcoming meet-and-greets!

Michelle Boisvenue-Fox, the new director of Mesa County Libraries, invites Mesa County residents to a series of informal meet-and-greet events where they can learn more about her and share any thoughts or ideas they have about their local libraries. Meet-and-greets are scheduled at all eight Mesa County Libraries locations. Here is the schedule: Central Library, […]

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Local History Thursday: The Grand Junction Air Show

This past weekend, the Grand Junction Regional Airport in Colorado and West Star Aviation hosted a spectacular air show featuring the U.S. Navy Blue Angels.  The crowds looked on in awe as the experienced flyers executed great skill and performed exciting stunts over the Grand Valley region.  I feel accomplished when I parallel park my […]

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Summer Reading logo

How was your Summer Reading experience? Please take our survey and tell us

Each year, we offer Summer Reading at Mesa County Libraries to encourage children, teens, and adults to read for fun and to keep their learning skills sharp. We are asking parents and other participants to help evaluate the effectiveness of Summer Reading by completing this short survey. Your answers are anonymous. Please complete your survey […]

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Library to cover cost of GED exam for successful students; Preparatory classes begin Aug. 12

GED students who are enrolled in preparatory classes through Mesa County Libraries can have the cost of their GED exam covered if they successfully complete the classes and meet certain conditions. The library announced the new program as enrollments open for fall GED prep classes, which begin Aug. 12. Mesa County Libraries offer GED prep […]

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