Local History Thursday: Former Officer Janielle Westermire’s Unique Perspective on Black Lives Matter

As a former sheriff’s deputy and an African-American woman involved with community and educational efforts through Black Citizens and Friends, Janielle Westermire has a unique and very personal perspective on race relations, and on the Black Lives Matter protests that gripped the United States following the 2020 death of George Floyd. In her interview with […]

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Local History Thursday: Three Wire Winter

What is a three wire winter, you ask? For folks that live in snowy, persistently cold places like Steamboat Springs, Colorado, a three wire winter occurs when the snow reaches the third wire on a barbed wire fence. It is also the name of a wonderful little publication put out from 1976 to 1988 by […]

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Local History Thursday: Evoking Grand Junction’s History with Radio History Theater

In 1981, coinciding with Grand Junction’s centennial celebration, the Mesa County Oral History Project (MCOHP) produced forty-eight radio plays about local history. Over forty-eight weeks, these plays aired on radio stations KSTR, KREX-AM, KREX-FM, and KMSA, with the last play broadcasting on August 21, 1982. Now, the Radio History Theater plays have been digitized and […]

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