Laptop, tablet, smartphone, monitor, and keyboard.

Digital Literacy During COVID-19

During this COVID-19 emergency, we’ve become very dependent on technology (even more than we already were) to help us do our jobs, find reliable information, or just to keep essential connections with family and loved ones. Unfortunately not everyone has the skills or resources needed to navigate this digital landscape. Hopefully some of these tools […]

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Graphic: Mesa County Libraries logo

April Staff Picks

Now that we’re in the heart of April, here are some new recommended favorites from Mesa County Libraries and its wonderful employees.  Our staff truly misses the library and its patrons, and to get us through these trying times we’re keeping our minds full and flourishing with the following recommended reads: John’s Pick: The Name […]

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Graphic: Mesa County Libraries logo

Connect With Our Social Distancing Playlist

Recently the Merriam-Webster dictionary added new words connected with the Coronavirus. We’re all getting far too familiar with terminology surrounding COVID-19, such as self-quarantine and social distancing. So while we’re all doing our part staying home, limiting our exposure to others and getting creative with time, resources and togetherness, some folks at Mesa County Libraries […]

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Kitchen scene from Overcooked 2 Video Game

Video Game Review: Overcooked 2

“Fantastic party game that will have you and your friends laughing constantly.  Even if you are playing the game solo, it is a blast and a half. 8/10 more addictive than Candy Crush.” – John Orchard Mesa Branch “Overcooked 2 has the feel of a mobile game with the story elements of a great console […]

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screenshot from talos project video game

Video Game Review: Talos Principle

Talos Principle is a first-person puzzle game set in a profound metaphysical world. You play as an AI, led by an omniscient being named Elohim. He directs you to explore the environments he created and collect sigils that act as keys for opening new landscapes. Everything seems straightforward until you come in contact with the […]

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